The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 001620 Answers

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Latest update: The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 001620 Answers for Thursday, August 29, 2024

Across Clues

1 Cross-country runners in share-out
4 Perfectionist’s fine American pickle
8 Not subtle, but clear
9 An unknown detective seeking Montezuma?
10 Weird, bold, tousled like an 80s hairstyle?
11 Focal point in Schubert
12 Views supple student in pirouette
14 Decisive point in false claim by Times
17 Rum essential to good diet
19 Member of the force working on a lead?
22 Old bachelor, fool, sent back soup
23 Drug from one of five in Spain
24 Fix important Eastern complaint
25 Charlie in English plane to bail out

Down Clues

1 Hard crowd upset British making weapon
2 Trattoria’s square meal?
3 Son, wife or daughter producing blade
4 Old relic sons wrapped in kitchen sheet
5 Cinders initially wearing shoe creates gossip
6 Level playing field
7 Outlaw to fight: meal contained here
12 Makeshift bar opening
13 Policeman in river burst blood vessel?
15 An expert in safe delivery?
16 Coterie’s hint about intelligence quotient
18 Fiend seen in March and November
20 Sound made by that fellow in church
21 Polite man round western Welsh region

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