The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 001608 Answers

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Latest update: The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 001608 Answers for Saturday, August 17, 2024

Across Clues

1 Buckle, fighting pressure
4 Gospeller cordial but indifferent
8 Opinion about bad accommodation
9 On time to assist an erring actor?
10 In flight notice lark
12 In game we recognise pitcher
13 CIA men sloshed in picture-house
15 Push hard to break confidence
17 Allardyce saving pence for tinned meat?
19 Flexible Ena takes walk round
21 Charlie can go back for drink
22 In Glamorgan I’m a lumbering beast
23 Corrupt books seen after ten years
24 Test old lover in the morning

Down Clues

2 Ram one beset by twitching ears
3 Convict in stately home looting
4 Survivor at Sodom finds destiny
5 One out at match displays neckwear
6 Western slum intact
7 Silence from salesman on ship
11 Enormous snowdrop?
14 Little rascal learning to beg
16 Cotton on a reel is tangled
18 Chap backing first-rate obsession
20 Two-headed monk is beast
22 Works in Carmarthen

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