The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 001580 Answers

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Latest update: The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 001580 Answers for Saturday, July 20, 2024

Across Clues

1 Road in Blackpool an exit
4 Improperly placed relics up a clergyman’s vestment
8 Parents going around an isthmus?
9 Red blubber that woman slices
10 Shy when going to bed
12 Some Icelanders showing style
13 Admission from Conservative in tricky cases
15 Levy one penny in some confusion
17 It’s used in herbal medicine!
19 Romantic ladies excited with it
21 Woman hiding info makes plan
22 One involved in hold-up?
23 Lids seen to flutter in dalliance?
24 Founder from Broadstairs in Kent

Down Clues

2 Ace puzzle brings surprise
3 Secretive English quartet in vessel
4 Southeast Asia’s principal ocean
5 Identify corgi seen barking
6 Loyal vassal in Belgian city
7 See Carl mashing wheat and corn?
11 Agent: is it wrong to be prompt?
14 Caught, suspended, reformed
16 Sailor wilting under pressure finds missile
18 Short trough: that may irritate animals!
20 Rigid back end
22 Short cut to get fuel

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