Tory With Diplomacy Makes Connection

Thank you for using our website to find The Sun 2-Speed Crossword Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Tory With Diplomacy Makes Connection” from the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 000260 date December 01, 2020.


Definition 1:
The state or condition that exists when two people or things physically touch each other :a state of touching .

Physical contact between a mother and child is very important.
The point of contact between the bat and the ball [=the point where the bat and ball touch each other]
A disease that is spread by sexual contact
The players made contact [=touched or hit each other] and a foul was called.
The train’s wheels should make contact with [=touch] the track continuously.
Do not let your skin come in/into contact with [=touch] the acid.
The chemical kills germs on contact [=as soon as the chemical touches the germs]
Definition 2:
The state or condition that exists when people see and communicate with each other Your contact information is the information (such as your telephone number, address, or e-mail address) that tells someone how to communicate with you. If you are in contact with someone, you communicate with them sometimes. If you lose contact with someone or something, you are no longer able to communicate with that person or thing. If you make/establish contact, you have succeeded in communicating with someone. .

The actor has had little contact with the public [=has not interacted much with the public] in recent years.
It was during that time that native people first came into/in contact with [=first saw and began communicating with] the settlers.
She joined a book club to get a little human contact [=interaction with other people] while the kids were in school.
Don’t forget to put your contact information on the application.
“Are you in contact [=in touch] with them?” “No, I haven’t been in contact with them for years. I don’t even know where they live anymore.”
We kept/stayed in close contact [=we communicated often] after college.
He’s been in direct contact with the president. [=he has communicated directly with the president]
We’d lost touch, but a mutual friend put us in contact (with each other) again.
I lost contact [=lost touch] with her years ago, but recently got her e-mail address through a mutual friend.
We lost radio contact with the ship for a short time. [=we could not communicate with the ship using their radio]
She’s been trying to make contact with distant relatives.
The phone system wasn’t working so we weren’t able to make contact.
We were finally able to establish contact with them.
Definition 3:
An occurrence in which people communicate with each other see also eye contact.

Contacts between the two leaders have been frequent in recent weeks.
Definition 4:
A person who you know and who can be helpful to you especially in business Someone who is listed as a contact in information from a company or organization is the person you can write to or call with questions about that company or organization..

I applied for a job at that law firm because I have a contact there.
Business contacts
Definition 5:
contact lens .

He lost one of his contacts in the swimming pool.
Definition 6:
The connection of two objects (such as pieces of metal) that allows an electrical current to pass through them .

The contact must be maintained for the current to flow.
Definition 7:
A part through which electricity passes from one object to another .

The camera’s flash isn’t working because the electrical contacts need to be cleaned.

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