
Thank you for using our website to find The Sun 2-Speed Crossword Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Sycophant” from the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 000832 date July 03, 2022.


Definition 1:
To move on your hands and knees .

Does the baby crawl yet?
We got down on our knees and crawled through a small opening.
The baby crawled across the floor toward her mother.
Definition 2:
To move with the body close to or on the ground .

The soldiers crawled forward on their bellies.
The snake crawled into its hole.
There’s a spider crawling [=moving forward on its legs] up the wall.
Definition 3:
To move slowly .

They’re doing construction on the road, so traffic is crawling.
I worked late into the night, and it was 2 a.m. before I finally crawled into bed.
The bus crawled along the rough and narrow road.
The days slowly crawled by.
Traffic has crawled to a stop/standstill. [=has come to a complete stop after moving very slowly]
Work on the project has crawled to a standstill.
Definition 4:
To move slowly on, across, or through (something) .

We all got into the old truck and crawled the streets of the city looking for him.
Definition 5:
To be full of many people, insects, animals, etc. usually used in the phrase be crawling with .

The courthouse is crawling [=teeming] with reporters today.
The table was crawling with ants.
Definition 6:
To be extremely nice to someone in order to get approval or some advantage for yourself .

He’s been crawling [=creeping] to the boss for months, so it’s no surprise he got a promotion.

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