Stay Fresh In Castle Tower

Thank you for using our website to find The Sun 2-Speed Crossword Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Stay Fresh In Castle Tower” from the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 000457 date June 23, 2021.


Definition 1:
To continue having or holding (something) :to not return, lose, sell, give away, or throw away (something) .

She’s going to keep the money she found.
I can’t decide whether to sell my old car or keep it for another year.
While the company laid off some employees, others had hopes of keeping their jobs.
The shirt will keep [=retain] its shape after many washings.
An actress who has kept her looks/beauty [=continued to be attractive/beautiful] as she has grown older
“The fare is $4.” “Here’s $5. Keep the change.”
He struggled to keep his cool/composure. [=to remain calm; to not become upset or angry]
He vowed to keep his silence about what he had seen. [=to not tell anyone about what he had seen]
Definition 2:
To continue in a specified state, condition, or position .

I asked them to keep quiet.
keep still/warm
He vowed to keep silent about what he had seen. [=to not tell anyone about what he had seen]
She likes to keep [=stay] busy.
The program teaches kids how to keep safe near water.
Have you kept in touch with your college roommate? [=have you continued to talk to or write to your college roommate?]
Definition 3:
To cause (someone or something) to continue in a specified state, condition, or position .

I tried to keep the children quiet during the ceremony.
The local newspaper keeps people informed about what’s happening in town.
The article offers tips on how to keep kids safe near water.
The movie will keep you on the edge of your seat.
We need to keep costs under control.
This scarf will help keep you warm.
She keeps herself fit by jogging.
He kept his hands behind his back while we were talking.
Keep both hands on the steering wheel.
It was so cold inside that I kept my coat on.
I promise I’ll keep your decision a secret. [=I will not tell anyone your decision]
Keep the mixture chilled until you are ready to serve it.
Definition 4:
To cause or force (someone) to stay in a place .

I won’t keep you (here) much longer.
The doctors want to keep me in (the hospital) for further tests.
If you’re in a hurry, don’t let me keep you.
keep a prisoner in jail
She kept the children in the house during the storm.
There was nothing to keep me in the city.
Definition 5:
To cause (someone) to be late .

You’re late. What kept you? [=what delayed you?; why are you late?]
Definition 6:
To do (something) continuously or again and again + -ing verb often + on .

The teacher asked them to be quiet, but they just kept talking.
The rain kept falling all afternoon.
The dog keeps running away.
Keep walking/driving until you come to a traffic light.
The band’s music just keeps on getting better (and better).
I’ll never get this work done if you keep on interrupting me.
Definition 7:
To cause (someone or something) to do something continuously or again and again + -ing verb see also keep going (below).

She has a desire for success that keeps her striving to do better.
His boss kept him waiting [=forced him to wait] for over an hour.
They want to keep the company growing.
Definition 8:
To do what is required by (something, such as a promise) .

She always keeps her promises/word. [=she always does what she promises to do; she always does what she says she will do]
He failed to keep his appointment. [=he did not go to his appointment; he missed his appointment]
Definition 9:
To not tell (a secret) .

I can keep a secret.
A poorly kept secret [=a secret that has been told to many people]
A well-kept secret [=a secret that has not been told to people]
Definition 10:
To act properly in relation to (something) .

He keeps [=observes] the Sabbath.
They keep kosher.
Definition 11:
To store (something) in a specified place .

They keep the ketchup in the refrigerator.
I keep my socks in a drawer.
The sheets are kept in the closet.
He keeps his wallet in his back pocket.
Definition 12:
To have or hold (something) for later use instead of using it now .

We’ll eat some of the cookies now and keep [=save] some for later.
I’ll keep my news until later. [=I’ll tell you my news later]
(Brit) Would you keep [=(US) save] a seat for me?
Definition 13:
To continue to be in a good condition sometimes used figuratively .

Carrots and potatoes keep well.
The meat will keep in the freezer for several months.
I have something to tell you, but it will keep. [=I can tell you later]
Definition 14:
To protect (someone) usually + from .

May the Lord bless you and keep you.
May the Lord keep you from harm.
Definition 15:
To produce (something, such as a journal or record) by putting information in a book, document, etc., over a period of time .

She kept a diary/journal.
He keeps a detailed record of all his purchases.
She keeps a list of books for future reading.
Definition 16:
To take care of (something) .

keep [=tend] a garden
We kept chickens and goats when I was a child.
Definition 17:
To operate (something, such as a business) :manage .

They keep [=(more commonly) run] a bed-and-breakfast.
(chiefly Brit) keep a shop
Definition 18:
To have (something) available for use .

He keeps a car even though he lives in the city.
Definition 19:
To have a continuing sexual relationship with (someone who is not your husband or wife) .

A married man who keeps a mistress
She never married but she kept a lover for years.
A kept man/woman [=a man/woman who is kept as a lover by someone]

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