Republicans Ultimately In Moral Decline

Thank you for using our website to find The Sun 2-Speed Crossword Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Republicans Ultimately In Moral Decline” from the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 000214 date October 16, 2020.


Definition 1:
The act or process of descending: such as.

Definition 2:
The act or process of going from a higher to a lower place or level usually singular opposite ascent.

The climbers were faced with a dangerous descent in bad weather.
The submarine’s descent
After only an hour of flight, the pilot announced our descent.
Definition 3:
The act or process or changing to a worse state or condition .

The book describes his descent into a deep depression after the death of his wife.
Her slow descent to a life of addiction
Definition 4:
A way of going down something :a downward slope, path, etc. .

The only path that goes down to the river is a rather steep descent, so be careful.
Definition 5:
The people in your family who lived before you were born :your ancestors .

Many people in this area are of German descent. [=ancestry]
They claim to be of royal descent. [=they say that their ancestors were kings, queens, etc.]

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