Creative Sort In Dire Straits Mostly?

Thank you for using our website to find The Sun 2-Speed Crossword Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Creative Sort In Dire Straits Mostly?” from the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 000874 date August 14, 2022.


Definition 1:
A person who creates art :a person who is skilled at drawing, painting, etc. .

The great artists of the Renaissance
A graphic artist
I can’t draw at all, but both of my children are very talented artists. [=they draw very well]
Definition 2:
A skilled performer .

A jazz artist
A trapeze artist
Famous recording artists [=singers and musicians who record their music]
Definition 3:
A person who is very good at something see also rip-off artist.

She’s an artist in her field. [=she’s very good at her job]
A scam artist

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