Compassion Shown By Yankee Sailor

Thank you for using our website to find The Sun 2-Speed Crossword Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Compassion Shown By Yankee Sailor” from the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 000490 date July 26, 2021.


Definition 1:
Done or expressed in a very open, cheerful, and energetic way .

He gave us all a hearty welcome/greeting.
Our plan won their hearty [=wholehearted] approval.
A hearty laugh/handshake
Definition 2:
Strong, healthy, and active .

hearty young men and women
His grandmother remains hale and hearty in her old age.
All of the children have hearty appetites. = All of the children are hearty eaters. [=all of the children eat large amounts of food]
Definition 3:
Large enough to satisfy hunger .

A hearty meal
hearty soups

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