Books In Pleasant Literary Review

Thank you for using our website to find The Sun 2-Speed Crossword Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Books In Pleasant Literary Review” from the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 000310 date January 27, 2021.


Definition 1:
Information that tells you or warns you about something that is going to happen .

Please give us enough notice to prepare for your arrival.
They gave no advance notice that they were moving. [=they did not tell anyone that they were moving before they did it]
Terms of the agreement are subject to change without notice. [=terms of the agreement may be changed without telling you before they are changed]
The beach is closed until further notice. [=until there is an announcement saying that it is open]
I received written notice that my bank account will be credited. [=I received a letter telling me that my bank account will be credited]
The senator served notice [=made it known] that he will be opposing the new regulations.
With the success of her first film, she served notice [=showed] that she is a serious and talented director.
Definition 2:
A statement telling someone that an agreement, job, etc., will end soon .

She gave her landlord notice (that she is moving next month).
I gave (my employer) two weeks’ notice. [=I told my employer that I would be quitting my job in two weeks]
My boss gave me two weeks’ notice. [=my boss told me that I would be losing my job in two weeks]
Definition 3:
Attention that people give to someone or something .

Her red dress attracted notice. [=her red dress made people look at her; people noticed her red dress]
The band first came to public notice in 1991. [=the public first heard about the band in 1991]
The error escaped my notice. [=I did not notice the error]
Take no notice of them. [=ignore them]
No one took much notice of her [=no one paid much attention to her] at the party.
The team has been playing better recently, and people are starting to (sit up and) take notice. [=are starting to notice and give attention to the team’s improved play]
He brought the problem to my notice. [=he brought the problem to my attention; he told me about the problem]
Definition 4:
A written or printed statement that gives information .

Notices were sent to parents about the school trip.
The notice [=sign] said, “BEACH CLOSED.”
Did you see the notice about the meeting?
Newspapers print notices of marriages and deaths.
Definition 5:
A short piece of writing that gives an opinion about a play, book, etc. .

The play received good notices. [=reviews]

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