Be The Right Size

Thank you for using our website to find The Sun 2-Speed Crossword Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Be The Right Size” from the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 000180 date September 12, 2020.


Definition 1:
Proper or acceptable :morally or socially correct often + for often followed by to + verb .

A movie fit [=suitable] for the whole family
This is not a fit subject for discussion with children.
A subject not fit for discussion
A subject not fit to be discussed
Definition 2:
Suitable for a specified purpose often + for often followed by to + verb .

This water is not fit for drinking.
The building is no longer fit for human habitation.
This water is not fit to drink.
The building is no longer fit for people to live in.
Definition 3:
Physically healthy and strong .

Physically fit
He felt overmatched against fitter [=healthier], stronger players.
Patients are encouraged to get/keep fit.
Are you fit enough to walk there?
Definition 4:
Sexually attractive :sexy.

Definition 5:
Having the necessary skills usually + for .

I just don’t think he’s fit [=qualified] for this job.
Definition 6:
Made ready :put in a suitable state usually + for .

Get the ship fit [=prepared] for sea

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